


Discover Longevity

A two month journey to Okinawa Japan for understanding healthy aging





Discover Longevity

A two month journey to Okinawa Japan for understanding healthy aging



My name is Nabil, I’m a recent graduate from McMaster University, and a man in search of healthier living.

Like most students, I put a lot of pressure on myself to succeed in school, the by product of which was a great deal of mental and physical stress. Having witnessed the pervasiveness of poor health among my peers and experiencing it himself, I was motivated to learn more about healthier lifestyles. My search led me to discover Okinawa, an island off the coast of mainland Japan, which is home to the highest concentration of centenarians, people over the age of 100, in the world. With the help of the McMaster Renaissance Award, an annual donation by Drs. Glen Bandiera and Jolie Ringash, I was given the opportunity to visit Okinawa and to learn about successful aging directly from the local population. 

I invite you to explore this website, and share in wisdom that the Okinawans so kindly shared with me

Nabil Khaja - Site Author


A huge thank you to Drs. Jolie Ringash and Glen Bandiera for making this project possible through the McMaster Renaissance Award. Their generous gift to McMaster created an annual award of $25,000, which gives students the opportunity to take on projects outside their discipline and close to their hearts. To learn more about the McMaster Renaissance Award,  follow this link:


I would also like to thank my supervisor Dr. Amanda Grenier, Amanda Bradford- Jankee, Joel Reeves and Deanna Tigani for their support in putting this project together.





  • The "HiSTORY" "People of Okinawa" and "Themes" pages are up and running. More updates to these sections coming in the following weeks.
  • "Food", and "Journal" sections are under construction.



